Sunrise 6-4-24. 6:21 am. 58 deg. before declination. —Almost to the longest day (Most daylight hours). Nice clear sunshiny morning. Wishing everyone a prosperous day!
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Sunrise 6-4-24. 6:21 am. 58 deg. before declination. —Almost to the longest day (Most daylight hours). Nice clear sunshiny morning. Wishing everyone a prosperous day!
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A look into our Tiny Home Brochure. Will have print copies soon. Let me know and we will be glad to mail, email, message the brochure. —Thanks for viewing this!
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Creek Tour 6-3-24. —A few moments this morning to enjoy the peaceful creek. The boy in me wonders up and down the sand bars, wades though the stream etc. Wishing everyone a productive day and a good week!
Views: 15