Sunrise 7-22-24. 6:48 am. —Caught this a little late this morning. Should have gotten compass reading anyway. Cool and still this morning. Wishing everyone a prosperous day and a great week!
Views: 16
Sunrise 7-22-24. 6:48 am. —Caught this a little late this morning. Should have gotten compass reading anyway. Cool and still this morning. Wishing everyone a prosperous day and a great week!
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10’x20′ Lofted Utility with Transom Dormer: $7,776 on 10% Lot Sale. Orig: $8,640. —3yr: $360/mo. 4yr: $324/mo. 5yr: $288/mo. —A unique look for a special place! Loaded Lofted Utility with Transom Dormer, Transom windows in doors, windows, flower boxes and shutters. Shown with Truffle sides, Taupe metal roof and Taupe trim. What would be the best application/placement for this building? Poolside, garden-side, simple front or backyard placement or other location? Sizes available up to 16’x50′! Made with care by our Amish/Mennonite builders! Is there a size that works best for you? —RTO down-payment is 1 month’s payment
Views: 22
Sunrise 7-19-24. 6:25 am. 64 deg. before declination. —Clear cool morning. Wishing everyone a productive day and a great weekend!
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Completed Flower Pot Story from 6-28-24. Just finished and planted the bushes. See how they respond to a mid-July planting.
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Composite Poly Bar Height Chairs. $690/ea. Available in a wide range of colors. When sitting at the table, the swivel reduces the awkwardness of getting in and out of the chairs. Also check out our other recycled plastic products! —View link in comments for post with video link showing chairs by table. —Thanks for reading this post!
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Sunrise 7-18-24. 6:25am. 61 deg. before declination. —Clear skies, cool morning calm wind. Wishing everyone a prosperous day!
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10’x16′ Side Gable Utility: $4,954 on 5% Summer Sale. Orig: $5,215. —3yr. $229/mo. 4yr: $206/mo. 5yr: $183/mo.
—Our Side Gable Utility with all the standard quality and no-drip side entry. Shown with Cotton sides, Shown with Cotton sides, Burnished Slate metal roof and Truffle trim. Standard storage, “She Shed,” office, workshop… Perfect for the “Rougher” or finer things! Side Gables up to 12’x24′ in size and standard buildings up to 16’x50′. Many colors to choose from! Made by our talented Amish/Mennonite builders! —View link in comments for post with color options and general options. —QR codes at end of video for brochure. —RTO down-payment is 1 month’s payment
Views: 29
Sunrise 7-17-24. 6:23am. 54 deg. before declination. —Over-cast with gap in horizon for peak at sun at sunrise. Wising everyone a prosperous day!
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12’x24′ Horse Loafing Shed with 6′ Tack Room: $8,526. —3yr: $395/mo. -4yr: $355/mo. -5yr: $316/mo. —Shown with Ivory sides, Ash Gray roof and trim. An attractive and effective way to add some shelter for those beloved animals. Building can be delivered, set, anchored to the dirt or concrete and be ready to go! Sizes available up to 14’x50′ with options for enclosing side, longer tack rooms etc. Built with pride by our Amish builders! Many colors to choose from! —RTO down-payment is 1 month’s payment.
Views: 25