July 2 Fireworks! (Phlox Flowers). —The pink row of Phlox flowers shown here shooting up their firecrackers into the sky for all to see! Sizzling days, warm nights, vibrant colors, bright “Lights”

Views: 17
July 2 Fireworks! (Phlox Flowers). —The pink row of Phlox flowers shown here shooting up their firecrackers into the sky for all to see! Sizzling days, warm nights, vibrant colors, bright “Lights”
Views: 17
Sunrise 7-2-24. 6:14 am. 54 deg. before declination. —Low clouds on the horizon letting a sliver of sun through in this picture. Breezy July morning. Wishing everyone a productive day!
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8×12 Utility with Shortened Walls: $2,983 on 5% Summer Sale. Orig: $3,140. —3yr: $138/mo. -4yr: $124/mo. —Quaint unassuming space for that “Stuff.” For the neat and highly organized and for the one who just throws stuff in and shoves the door closed! Shown in Tan sides, Burnished Slate metal roof and White trim. Bicycles, mowers, boxes, college stuff…. Sizes available up to 16’x50′. Made with care by our talented Amish/Mennonite builders!—RTO down-payment is 1 month’s payment. —Music credit: RLH Productions
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Clouds 7-1-24. —No visible sun this morning. Nice break from the July sun! Wishing everyone a prosperous day and a great week!
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