Cloudy Skies 12-30-24. —With fog etc. Its been a little time since we saw the sunrise. We have had some beautiful sunny days. Wishing everyone an inspiring Monday and a great week and an awesome new year!

Views: 33
Cloudy Skies 12-30-24. —With fog etc. Its been a little time since we saw the sunrise. We have had some beautiful sunny days. Wishing everyone an inspiring Monday and a great week and an awesome new year!
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Sunrise 12-27-24. —Sun is behind the clouds this morning. Starting off with some fog and clouds over-head. Wishing everyone a good Friday and a great weekend!
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Foggy Skies 12-26-24 —Day after Christmas, foggy skies, later start, warm memories, warm mugs of coffee/tea…. Wishing everyone a great Thursday!
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Cloudy Horizon 12-24-24—Looks like we will see the sun today just not at sunrise. 3 days after the Solstice and 1 day until Christmas. Wishing everyone Peace and Goodwill today and through the Holidays!
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Cloudy Skies 12-23-24 —Two days after the solstice and 2 days until Christmas. Warmer morning with gentle breeze. Wishing everyone a successful Monday and a week filled with the most important things!
Views: 45
10’x12′ Repo Playhouse: $3,888. Orig. $4,320. —3yr: $180/mo. -4yr: $162/mo. —A rare find! Repo Playhouses come around only once in a blue moon! Shown with Mohogany Urethane sides, Black shingles and Black trim. Playhouse, hideout, craft room, decorated garden shed… Multiple uses for such a charming building! Where is the perfect spot to put this? —RTO down payment is 1 month’s payment
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8’x12′ Repo Utility: $2,669. Orig. $3,140. —3yr: $124/mo. -4yr: $111/mo. —A nice repo building in good shape! Hard to beat the price! Shown with Tan sides, Burnished Slate metal roof and White trim. What would be the best use for this building? Sizes available up to 16’x50′ with an almost unlimited amount of options! Made by our outstanding Amish/Mennonite craftsmen! —RTO down payment is 1 month’s payment
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12’x16′ Lofted Barn: $5,580 on 10% December Sale. Orig: $6,200. —3yr: $258/mo. -4yr: $233/mo. -5yr: $207/mo. —How much “Stuff” could be put in this building? Shown with White sides, Black metal roof and Black trim. Christmas decorations, bicycles, mowers, workshop, “She-Shed,” man-cave… We also offer sizes up to 16’x50′. Would your “Stuff” fit in here or do you need something larger? —RTO down payment is 1 month’s payment
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12’x20′ Horse Loafing Shed with Tack Room: $8,260. —3yr: $328/mo. -4yr: $344. -5yr: $306. —A perfect sized shelter for the perfect sized horse! 12’x18′ area under roof with an extra 2′ over-hang on the front. Shown in Brilliant White sides, Black roof and Black trim. Sizes available up to 14’x50′ with options for enclosing side, longer tack rooms etc. Built with pride by our talented builders! —RTO down-payment is 1 month’s payment.
Views: 25
Sunrise 12-20-24. 7:42 am. 116 deg. before declination. —One day from the solstice. Mostly clear skies with a breeze. Good for winter coats and coffee! Wishing everyone a successful Friday and a great weekend!
Views: 16