Sunrise 3-7-25. 7:20 am. 89* before declination. —Clear golden skies this morning with a decent breeze. Wishing everyone a prosperous Friday and a great weekend!
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Sunrise 3-7-25. 7:20 am. 89* before declination. —Clear golden skies this morning with a decent breeze. Wishing everyone a prosperous Friday and a great weekend!
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14’x42′ Horse Shed with 6′ Tack Room and 2 Divider Walls (3 Stalls): $15,100. —3yr: $700/mo. -4yr: $629/mo. -5yr: $559/mo. —A classic shelter to protect those Class Act animal friends! Shown with Light Stone sides, Burnished Slate roof and trim. Shelter from rain, wind and snow. Horses, sheep, cattle goats… Sizes available 10’x12′ up to 14’x50′! Options for divider walls, close in stalls, stall doors, gates and more. Will this size or larger/smaller be the best fit in that space? —RTO down-payment is 2 month’s payment.
Views: 4
Sunrise 3-6-25. 6:52 am. 89* before declination. —Beautiful mild morning on the prairie! Low wind, mostly clear and pleasantly cool. Wishing everyone a prosperous Thursday!
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Sunrise 3-5-25. 6:59 am. 90* before declination. —Beautiful clear day with Wind. I’ve been reminded of “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” Wishing everyone a successful Wednesday!
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