Sunrise 1-27-25. 7:39 am. 109 deg. before declination. —Still, clear bright morning. Icy layer leaving slow by slow. Wishing everyone a blessed Monday and a great week!
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Sunrise 1-27-25. 7:39 am. 109 deg. before declination. —Still, clear bright morning. Icy layer leaving slow by slow. Wishing everyone a blessed Monday and a great week!
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10’x16′ Side Gable Utility: $4,954 on 5% Winter Sale. Orig: $5,215. —3yr. $229/mo. 4yr: $206/mo. —Side Gable for looks and function! No gutter needed to keep shedding rain from running over the entrance! Shown with Cotton sides, Shown with Cotton sides, Burnished Slate metal roof and Truffle trim. Perfect for storage, office, “She Shed,” bikes, mowers…. Side Gables up to 12’x24′ in size and standard buildings up to 16’x50′. Many colors to choose from! Made by our talented Amish builders! —RTO down payment is 1 month’s payment
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Sunrise 1-24-25. 7:43 am. 110 deg. before declination. —Small adjustments with the compass, showing the suns subtle movements. Warmer, bright clear morning. Wishing everyone a successful Friday and an awesome weekend!
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12’x20′ Repo Economical Building (Emut). $3,332. Orig: $4,165. —3yr: $154/mo. -4yr: $138/mo. -5yr: $123/mo.
—An amazing deal! Basically brand new! Convenient way to get those items out from under the rain, snow, wind and rain and under a cover for protection! Sizes from 8’x12′ up to 12’x24′. Made with the quality craftsmanship we have all become accustomed to at Derksen Portable Buildings! Would this size fit well into your area? —RTO down payment is 1 month’s payment
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8’x12′ Chicken Coop with 12′ Run, Solar Door and 2 Sets Nesting Boxes…: $8,368. —3yr: $387/mo. -4yr: $349/mo. -5yr: $310/mo. —A beautiful Chicken Coop with extra roomy run and welded wire upgrade! Shown with Covered Bridge urethane sides, Light Stone metal roof and Martin Cream trim. Welded Wire helps against predators that come right through standard chicken wire. Room for many chickens! Options for electric, rubberized floor and more! Sizes up to 14’x50′. Built with pride by our talented builders! Where would be the best placement for this Chicken Coop? —RTO down-payment is 1 month’s payment
Views: 16
Sunrise 1-22-25. 7:47 am. 108 deg. before declination. —15 deg. seems to be warmer than the -0* temps from yesterday! Clear golden Kansas sunrise! Wishing everyone a productive Wednesday!
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12×20 Repo 3-Dog Kennel: $8,618. Orig: $11,490. —3yr: $399/mo. -4yr: 359/mo. -5yr: $319/mo. Large Repo Dog Kennel in good shape! Shown with White sides, Black Metal Roof and White trim. Ready to house those “Best friends!” Sizes available from 8’x12′ single-dog, kennel up to 16′ wide 4-dog kennels. What would be the best use for this or similar Kennel? Which size of Kennel work best for you? —RTO down-payment is 1 month’s payment
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Sunrise 1-21-25. 7:42 am. 108 deg. before declination. —Clear golden sunrise. -9* and calm. Makes your nose feel funny! Wishing everyone a prosperous Tuesday!
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12’x24′ Lofted Barn Garage “Handyman”: $10,823 on 10% Sale. Orig: $12,025. —3yr: 501/mo. -4yr: $451/mo. -5yr: $401/mo. —Workshop/garage/man cave… Easy to think of uses for a building as like this! 12’x24′ Lofted Barn Garage with workbench, pegboard, electrical package and two fluorescent light fixtures. Shown with Mahogany Urethane sides, Alamo White metal roof and White trim. What types of projects would be built on the shelves? Sizes available up to 16’x50′! Buy off the lot or build new to your size, options and color choices! Made with care by our Amish/Mennonite builders! Would this make a perfect mower repair station? What would be the best use for this building? —RTO down payment is 1 month’s payment
Views: 22
8’x12′ Greenhouse with Electric Exhaust Fan: $4,918. —3yr: $216/mo. -4yr: $194/mo. —A growing place for growing stuff! Placement, loving hands. plants and heat source needed! Shown with Cedar Urethane wainscot and White trim. Days are slowly getting longer and flowers/plants can get an early start in this environment! Sizes up to 16’x50′! Standard 8mm double wall polycarbonate with 10yr warranty (Including some hail!). Made with pride by our outstanding Amish craftsmen! —RTO down-payment is 1 month’s payment
Views: 16