Sunrise 8-2-24. 6:46 am. 61 deg. before declination. —Mostly clear skies this cool morning with some scattered clouds. Wishing everyone a productive day and great weekend!
Views: 11
Sunrise 8-2-24. 6:46 am. 61 deg. before declination. —Mostly clear skies this cool morning with some scattered clouds. Wishing everyone a productive day and great weekend!
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—32x25x16 Clear Span Truss Structure/Carport with 12′ Lean-To: $22,549 as shown. Options for widths up to 60′, 200′ long and longer, enclose walls/ends with garage doors and frameouts for garage doors. Extremely wide openings available in gable ends to accommodate large doors ie. airplane hangar etc. Price includes delivery and installation! We are presently 4 weeks from order to delivery. Free delivery anywhere in KS, OK, MO and AR! We can do full orders over the phone and email! No distance restrictions necessary!
Views: 14
August 10% Derksen Sale. —10% off all Derksen buildings on lot. —10% off any new build 12′ wide and wider. —5% off 8′ and 10′ wide new builds. Check us out on lot, by the internet or by phone! We would love to work with you! Projective Fabrication: 5200 S. Kansas Rd. Newton, KS. 316 283 5050. —Thanks for Viewing this post!
Music by 15yr. old aspiring musician
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Sunrise 8-1-24. 6:43 am. 64 deg. before declination. —Clear skies with thick clouds on horizon. Wet earth from night storms. Wishing everyone a beautiful day!
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12’x24′ Lofted Barn Garage “Handyman” Pkg: $10,823 on 10% Lot Sale. Orig: $12,025. -3yr: 501/mo. -4yr: $451/mo. -5yr: $401/mo. —A lot in a tight little package! 12’x24′ Lofted Barn Garage with workbench, pegboard, electrical package and two fluorescent light fixtures. Shown with Mahogany Urethane sides, Alamo White metal roof and White trim. Workshop, UTV/ATV storage, garage and more. Sizes available up to 16’x50′! Buy off the lot or build new to your size, options and color choices! Made with care by our Amish/Mennonite builders! —RTO down-payment is 1 month’s payment
Views: 12
Sunrise 7-31-24. 6:34 am. 60 deg. before declination. —Cloud gap on the horizon. Able to see the sunrise amidst the clouds and rain. Enjoying this morning rain pattern. Wishing everyone a prosperous day!
Views: 247
8’x12′ Chicken Coop with Solar Door, Two Sets Nest Boxes and 12 Run with Hardwire Cloth: $7,650. —3yr: $354/mo. 4yr: $319/mo. 5yr: $283/mo. —With standard roosting bars this Chicken Coop is ready to serve its future tenants! Shown with Covered Bridge urethane sides, Light Stone metal roof and Martin Cream trim. Hardwire cloth upgrade helps against predators that come right through standard chicken wire. Room for many chickens! Options for electric, rubberized floor and more! Sizes up to 14’x50′. Built with pride by our Amish builders! Many color options! —RTO down-payment is 1 month’s payment
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8’x16′ Two-Dog Kennel: $6,098: 10% Lot Sale. Orig: $6,775. —3yr: $282/mo. -4yr: $254/mo. —Our most common size Dog Kennel shown in Chestnut Urethane sides, Light Stone metal roof and Almond trim. Comes standard with composite poly deck boards and 4′ deep insulated dog boxes. Sizes available in widths up to 16′ for 4 dogs. Room inside for dog food, leashes, and other equipment. Made with quality by our Amish/Mennonite craftsmen! —RTO down-payment is 1 month’s payment
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24x25x9 Vertical Roof Enclosed Garage: $9,704. —Includes 10yr. Windstorm Warranty, two 10×8 rollup doors and 1 walk-in door. Plenty of room for 2 cars and more in this structure. Shown with Barn Red sides and Zinc Gray roof and trim. Many color options available! Sizes available from 12’x20′ up to 60’x500′ and longer. Leg heights available up to 18′ tall. 4 weeks from order to delivery. Which size will work for your application?
Views: 18
Sunrise 7-30-24. 6:43 am. 63 deg. before declination. —Thick clouds on the horizon. A bit of a guess with compass direction and a silver lining a few minutes later. Wishing everyone an awesome day!
Views: 12