Sunrise 1-16-25. 7:43 am. 104 deg. before declination. —Bright, clear, calm, less snow and ice, Kansas has some beautiful mornings! Wishing everyone a prosperous Thursday!
Views: 6
Sunrise 1-16-25. 7:43 am. 104 deg. before declination. —Bright, clear, calm, less snow and ice, Kansas has some beautiful mornings! Wishing everyone a prosperous Thursday!
Views: 6
12’x24′ Ramp Utility (Garage): $8,829 on 10% January Sale. Orig: $9,810. —3yr: $409/mo. -4yr: $368/mo. -5yr: $327/mo. —Ready for those workshop/storage needs! Shown with Truffle sides, Burnished Slate metal roof and White trim and including solid pre-hung door and workbench. Golf Carts, UTVs/ATVs mowers, workshop…. Sizes available up to 16’x50′! Made with care by our Amish/Mennonite builders!. —RTO down payment is 1 month’s payment
Views: 8
Sunrise 1-15-25. 7:44 am. 108 deg. before declination. —Calm, clear and chilly. Bath of shiny snow greets the orange horizon. Wishing everyone a successful Wednesday!
Views: 8
24’x25’x9′ Enclosed Side Garage: $9,704. —A perfect place to pack up and keep those treasured items out of snow, ice and rain! Includes 10yr. Windstorm Warranty, two 10×8 rollup doors and 1 walk-in door. Room for two cars, boats, ATVs and more! Many color options available! Sizes available from 12’x20′ up to 60’x500′ and longer. Leg heights available up to 18′ tall. 4-8 weeks from order to delivery. Would you like something this size or larger/smaller?
Views: 8
Sunrise 1-14-25. 7:45 am. 104 deg. before declination. —Beautiful clear calm morning. Full moon brightness all night! Wishing everyone a prosperous Tuesday!
Views: 5
Sunrise 1-13-24. 7:52 am. 110 deg. before declination. —A beautiful clear, sunny, crisp morning! Wishing everyone a sunny, safe, inspiring day and week!
Views: 5
Cloudy Skies 12-30-24. —With fog etc. Its been a little time since we saw the sunrise. We have had some beautiful sunny days. Wishing everyone an inspiring Monday and a great week and an awesome new year!
Views: 22
Sunrise 12-27-24. —Sun is behind the clouds this morning. Starting off with some fog and clouds over-head. Wishing everyone a good Friday and a great weekend!
Views: 15
Foggy Skies 12-26-24 —Day after Christmas, foggy skies, later start, warm memories, warm mugs of coffee/tea…. Wishing everyone a great Thursday!
Views: 11
Cloudy Horizon 12-24-24—Looks like we will see the sun today just not at sunrise. 3 days after the Solstice and 1 day until Christmas. Wishing everyone Peace and Goodwill today and through the Holidays!
Views: 14